Use Tenacious Tape to patch up and repair all sorts of outdoor gear. In-field repairs on tents, tarps, rain gear, fishing gear and more. With super-aggressive stick and clean adhesive technology, and made from the same fabric as high quality tents, Tenacious Tape takes duct tape to the mat. Tenacious Tape is part of a comprehensive line of Care and Repair products from Gear Aid. With Gear Aid, anyone can be a master of gear repair. Works on nylon, vinyl, netting, plastic, and breathable fabrics.
Ideal use:
Camping, Outdoor gear
Vinyl, Nylon
Key features:
Adheres To: nylon, polyester, fleece, vinyl, rubber, non-oiled leather and GORE-TEX fabric
Super-aggressive adhesive for long lasting repairs
Leaves no sticky residue
Tech specs:
Dimension per roll: 50 x 7.5cm
Garment features | Packable |
Weight (g) | 34 |
Dimensions (cm) | 50 x 7.5 |
Brand | McNett |
Ideal For | Backpacking, Bushcraft, Camping, Climbing, Hiking, Mountaineering, Outdoor sports, Rock climbing, Skiing, Travel, Trekking |
Outdoor accessories | Repair Kits |
Product Code | E7354045 |
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