Sale mid-layers sale


Complete your gear list with our fantastic range of clothing accessories for less in Snow+Rock winter sale.

It’s time to discover great prices on quality outdoor gear in the Snow+Rock sale range. Catering from city to summit, your trails, climbs, hikes, slopes, and daily commutes are all covered with our incredible list of accessories made for a life spent outdoors. So, whether you’re looking for the perfect thermal gloves, a cap for keeping the hair out your face, UV+ neckwear for camping expeditions, or those ideal pair of sunglasses for looking at the summer vistas, you can stay insulated, dry, and ready for all your adventures in the Snow+Rock accessories sale range.


Our entire sale selection is hand-picked for quality, durability, comfort, and style, and many products in our accessories selection also meet one or more of our environmental criteria and are available in Snow+Rock’s Our Planet collection. Discover top offers on some of our best-loved brands, including Passenger, FjällrävenBuffBartsEisbarThe North Face, and more.

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